
Dustin Hoffman and Lily Tomlin are existential detectives who you could hire to investigate the meaning of your life. They are formal, they wear suits, they are Paris-trained and their clients include Jude Law, Naomi Watts, Jason Schwartzman and Mark Wahlberg. Their ostensible nemesis is Isabelle Huppert. Hilarity ensues.

This is how director David Russell describes his 2004 offering, I Heart Huckabees. Hysterical, yet simultaneously philosophical, we take a look at some of the film’s spoken truths.

Caterine Vauban: It’s painful enough to feel sad, but on top of it… to feel embarrassed for feeling, that’s the killer!

This. O Caterine, how you speak to our souls.

Albert Markovski: No, I’m not. I’m talking about not covering every square inch of populated America with houses and strip malls until you can’t even remember what happens when you stand in a meadow at dusk.
Bret: What happens in the meadow at dusk?
Albert Markovski: Everything.
Mrs. Hooten: Nothing.
Albert Markovski: Everything.
Mrs. Hooten: Nothing.
Albert Markovski: It’s beautiful.
Tommy Corn: It’s beautiful.

And, illustrating the words of the brilliant Kurt Vonnegut, so it goes.

Vivian Jaffe: You live all the time with things you can’t see. You can’t see electricity, can you? You can’t see radio waves, but you accept them.
Bernard Jaffe: Trust.
Albert Markovski: Fuck trust!
Bernard Jaffe: You better stay away from Caterine, Albert, ’cause she’s gonna lead you down the path of darkness.
Vivian Jaffe: She was our prize graduate student until she went astray.
Albert Markovski: No, I think that I am going to stay with her, and the cracks and the pain and the nothingness, because THAT’s more real to me, THAT’s what I feel.
Tommy Corn: Word.

We’d like to echo Tommy on this one: word. Preach it, Albert!



And, at the end of all this, how we really feel about existential questions in our life –