Writer’s Guidelines:

At Dead Curious we welcome you to express yourself in an open, creative, and fulfilling way. However, we will not tolerate language that is in any way hateful, slanderous, discriminatory or infringing. Dead Curious reserves the right and sole discretion to post and/or remove any articles, stories, pieces, and social media posts (including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any other social media network, or the Dead Curious network of sites).

Your membership to the Dead Curious Network is contingent on remaining in good status with the community of readers and writers. Should you be found in breach of any of the network’s internal policies, you will have the opportunity to defend your position to the editorial board. You will have a period of five (5) business days to submit any appeal, in written form, to the editorial board.

Your membership is voluntary and consensual, and you shall not expect any benefits apart from those you have agreed upon individually with your Editor.

Should you have any questions or comments, please send an email with an accurate subject line to editors@deadcurious.com