No, this is not some ode to winter… That was last week’s article about the high altitude drinking and dancing on the bar competition, which was my skiing holiday. Rather, this is piece about the cold I caught whilst travelling home, stone sober. Yes, I have a cold, and I cannot for the life of me taste or smell anything. This has left me with a huge dilemma concerning what to recommend as the perfect drink for everyone’s weekend- or my week. Therefore, I opened up the cedar chest, which one might call the ‘Territorial Army’ of my liquor cabinets, and found almost full bottle of Seagram’s VO with a slightly torn liquor tax stamp across the top. I’m fairly sure my late grandmother purchased this sometime last century on one of her many trips to Canada (don’t ask me why?), took a nip, sealed it up, moved on to better things (read: Bourbon), but decided to bring it back as a souvenir in an era where you could still take liquids on an airliner. I cracked open the slightly rusty cap and took a nice little swig. Around 20 minutes (and a few more nips) later, my wretched cough was temporarily absent. I felt like Hillary atop Everest. I had found a use for Canadian Whisky; it can be used as cough medicine when you’re too ill to leave the house!

Canadian Whisky: Run out of cough medicine, get desperate, raid your last redoubt booze supply, open the worst bottle in there, and take a few nips.