Mark Abraham

About the Author Mark Abraham

24 year old from Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales. Proud of my heritage and my community. Passionate about my vices. Need to return to America: plenty more to see and do Stateside. Interested in anything that makes me look beneath the surface. Film and TV are favourite pastimes, I couldn't imagine a world where I don't listen to music everyday and alongside professional wrestling, love the sporting world for what it's worth (more from a cultural institution than a physical participation). Huge fan of professional wrestling, lifetime of watching athletic theatre and immersing myself in a fantastical world of drama, comedy and physical ability. Degree in English & Popular Culture. Some things you'll 'get' and some things you won't. If I can please, inspire, engage and encourage: job done. Constantly looking for the next big talking point and the next signpost on whatever journey I'm taking. Feel free to comment, neglect, follow on Twitter (@markabraham89) or just downright lambast me.