I don’t know what it is about siblings being able to harmonize so perfectly. I am starting to believe that it is literally in their blood. The Staves are such siblings- sisters Emily, Camilla, and Jessica Staveley-Taylor. While they have been compared to Laura Marling, I believe that while they have a similar aesthetic, their three voices bring an ethereal element to their music that Laura could not physically achieve. (I’m a huge LM fan, by the way, so I say that with love). Now I would love to spout off all sorts of interesting facts I have found out about them and their family dynamics but I’m not going to. I think at times like this, the music is better left to speak for itself because I am confident that it can stand on its own two feet. I will throw in this one little fun fact though: While performing at a local pub, a friend chalked their name up on the blackboard and instead of putting their full last name, they just wrote “The Staves”, and that is how the sisters stayed.

Okay, so give this track, ‘Mexico’, a try- I’m sure you’re going to be impressed. It’s from their album Dead & Born & Grown.
