If you go to Galicia you will cry two times: when you come and see all the beauty and when comes the time to go back home.

–       Girls, start packing your luggage, in 3 days you will be in Spain!

–       Boh! That’s going to be unforgettable!

And the truth is that it was unbelievable!

First of all, I can’t say that Galicia is a common part of Spain. It is really different. There are eucalyptus forests, mountains with wild goats and cows, and, of course, the ocean… the powerful and magnificent ocean.

I came to Santiago de Compostela to study at the local University, but that was only pleasure and fun. So, how is it like to live in Galicia? People there have three uncommon religions: food, party and football. They timetable depends on the food. They have a breakfast, coffee time, lunch, siesta, one more coffee, and dinner at 10 o’clock. Then the madness begins! They pack all the bars and stay there drinking till 4 a.m., the time to dance. The second religion is football. Every evening bars are full of funs, who shout, cry, drink beer and in case of defeat of their team have a depression for some days.

But, of course, Santiago de Compostela is famous for it’s Cathedral. Thousands of pilgrims come there in order to see the relics of the Apostole. They stop on the streets with bated breath and admire the beauty of the town.

What is more, they have a general streak of character. Galicians are always happy, they answer all the questions with «fine» or  «depends». Really everything depends, they don’t have a plan, they live their life as they want but without making harm to the others. They just live a real life with their own traditions and their own nature.  They have some phrases to characterize themselves:  « we don’t have ugly people, we  all are nice-looking» or « we are naturally positive».

This city has everything: great parks, narrow streets, partys, cafes, shops and wonderful fresh air. Here modern life and history are staying nip and tuck. And you can feel that now you a part of it. It is like your second house there everyone is happy to see you, ready to help you and give a shelter. And now the only thing we have is our memory. It is almost impossible to understand that in 4000 kilometers live other people which are now your friends, stay the Cathedral and stretch the streets where you were walking just 2 weeks ago. But if you were there and lived a real life you can proudly say : «Now I am a Galician». It may sound a little bit theatrical, but it is true that now we all have a part of Galicia in our hearts.