Now-a-days you hear everywhere the impact social media has had on our lives and it’s hard to imagine life without it now. Social media has developed so much over the last few years. It’s more than mere talking to friends, stalking celebrities and posting random and meaningless updates “Just bought a cabbage LOL”, it’s a business tool, an endless advertising opportunity and a marketing venture as well. But we’ve all probably heard it; either from your mum, teacher, friends or somewhere in the media itself, that we’re on there too much. As a self-confessed social media addict myself it isn’t hard to imagine how a harmless check of facebook turns into four hours of refreshing the news feed or how one or two tweets about work becomes twenty tweets an hour about the amazing dinner I’m cooking, it’s crazy! But one thing’s for sure, social media can become a dangerously addictive waste of time!
Waste of time aside, the many business related sides of social media prove it can be more than that and can actually be worthwhile investing some time in it. There’s even an entire social media site dedicated just to connecting business people, LinkedIn. So is social media really that bad? Or do we just have to ration ourselves?
As Sean Parker from the Social Network once said:
“We lived on farms, then we lived in cities, and now we’re going to live on the internet!”
Hopefully we can make our lives on the internet worthwhile. Limiting the LOL’s for a start.