At last, a single word to explain every outrageous night out that we have ever had the task of trying to explain. And I need not go into the antics which make an outrageous night out; as a student you’re hard pressed to find a week pass by without one of your mates doing something that to the rest of the world would be outright shocking or unthinkable. And why let yourself get so drunk that you would do that in the first place? YOLO. Let’s get one thing straight,  the antics predate the word. But this rah word that rolls off the tongue and rings a humorous tone has brought shame and embarrassment full circle. – ‘Omg don’t remember a thing last night, #yolo.’ Don’t get me wrong, this is certainly no critique on student life, that would be hypocritical. It just seems somewhat paradoxical how the word seems to justify absolutely rough behaviours, when if you read between the lines, YOLO is warning us all of the consequences; you only live once…