Review: The Adventures Of Tom The Lion

Well I went to Rough Trade in Brick Lane a few weekend’s ago and my eyes were lead to the début album from Tom The Lion. It was taking pride of place in Rough Trade not just because it had one sexy-ass cigar case but because it was the album of the month.

Tom the Lion is a small south east London based artist and has quickly received allot of praise and attention for his work, and rightly so. I have been listening to this album all day today and have enjoyed every track with its original and unique lyrics and singing style. The style is the most natural sounding indie music, completely pure and unaltered when transferred to disk. Its clear that he is a rising star in the music world and with catchy choruses and an eye for design with the artwork, Tom The Lion offers something new when its comes to the standard singer songwriter.










If I had to compare the artist to others i would describe him as a mix between The Maccabees singing style and delta spirits sound. If you are looking for something new and exciting this album will fill up the space on your CD rack. It wont fit properly but it will stand out in a very very good way. The track above is called “Ragdoll” Enjoy.

Find out more Here:

PS. Thanks to for the pictures 🙂