I’ll start by saying my fiance is in love with Modeselektor, a German electronic band who has an affinity to monkeys. I believe he heard of them as Thom Yorke’s favorite band, and from there on the romance thrived. After he played them at home for a couple of months at all hours of the day and night (including the minute I open my eyes on a Saturday. These were not easy times), we heard they were headed to Israel for a concert! He was thrilled, and I put on my good-future-wife face, and was thrilled too. We bought 2 tickets the day they started selling, as you can see in the image.

Pay attention to our tickets’ numbers!
After a long month of anticipation, March 15th finally arrived – the day of the concert! As international concerts are a rarity here in Israel, we are always pathetically excited to go see someone we love perform here. The German electronic duo were scheduled to play at “The Block” – a club in the wrong side of town (and I mean that in a good way) which sports one of the world’s best sound systems.
Problem is, concerts usually start around 01:00 AM, and I am definitely getting too old to party all night after a full work week. So naturally, I crawled into bed at 21:00 for a 2-hour pre-party power nap. Cause I’m just THAT awesome.
We left for the party at 24:30 and got to the place when it was still pretty empty. Awkward. The warm-up DJ was cool and our friend knew a bartender there, so that made the way to my 3 shots of “Van-Gogh double espresso” very short. After a very long warm-up, Modeselektor went up on stage at 03:30 (!) and really brought the house down. They were really good and it was apparent that everyone was psyched to see them. Although they were great, I was kind of tired already and pretty hungry (totally daydreaming about my post-party hamburger. Thank god for places that stay open 24/7), so we left at about 04:30. Ended up having an omelette sandwich at 05:00 AM, which seemed quite fitting, since technically it was morning and I was always told to have eggs for breakfast.
So that was my wild night of the month, I suppose. I kind of think I was never at the right age for a concert that starts at 3:30 AM.
I’ll leave you with Modeselektor’s “Evil Twin” video.